Retour sur Soft-Shake 2014

Les 23 et 24 Octobre 2014 à l'HEPIA

Get ready: Switch to Swift !

Présenté par Corinne KrychiOS Tech Lead chez Red Hat, dans le track Mobilité.

June 2nd 2014 at WWDC, Apple gave birth to Swift: a brand new language for developing iOS and Mac apps! Much ink has been spilled since then, comparing Swift to other languages. And yes, there is some family resemblance. Statically typed, its cool type inference looks similar to …, I love its sugar syntax like in … And Woah Closure!

Fully compatible with Apple’s native CocoaTouch APIs, no need to learn new vocabulary. Switching to Swift or discovering iOS platform is made easier than ever thanks to iOS8 REPL and Playground. Get ready to get your hands into Swift and follow me with code snippets to delve deep into the language. After this session, Swift will have no secret to you.

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